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Photo Gallery LanduseSim Training Class : April 21-24, 2014


published on April 29, 2014

Photo Gallery Advance GIS Training. Geosimulation : Land use modeling based on Cellular Automata-GIS using LanduseSim for Urban and Regional Planning. Organized by Computing and Modeling Laboratory, Department of Urban and Regional Planning – ITS. April 21-24, 2014

Rangga Kusuma Saputro, ST (Planning Development Local Agency of Kabupaten Trenggalek)
Irwan Susilo, ST.MT (Director of PT. Geospasia Wahaya Jaya)
Gunawan (Mapping Geospatial National Agency/BIG, Pusat Pemetaan Tata Ruang dan Atlas)
Roswidyatmoko Dwihatmojo (Mapping Geospatial National Agency, Pusat Pemetaan Tata Ruang dan Atlas)
Adiosyafri, S.Si (NGO Yayasan Wahana Bumi Hijau – South Sumatera)
Syafrul Yunardy, S.Hut., M.E. (Doctoral Student of Geography, Gadjah Mada University)
Ir. Bismart Ferry Ibie, M.Si (Palangkaraya University, Kalimantan Tengah)
Nurmiaty, SP.MP (Doctoral Student of Agricultural, Hassanuddin University)
Andi Arman (Master Student of Environment Engineering, Hassanuddin University)
Slamet Joko Prihatin, S.Si. (PT. Kompas Media Nusantara)
Ramadhan Adipratama, ST, MT (Private Consultant)
Rudy Candra Utama, S.Hut.SE, MSc. (Forestry Local Agency of North Barito Regency)
M.Sri Harta, ST (Master Student of Remote Sensing, Gadjah Mada University)
Ni Luh Putu Sukma Dewi (Bachelor Student, Urban and Regional Planning, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology)
Prasetyo (Bachelor Student, Urban and Regional Planning, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology)
Hertiari Idajati, ST.M.Sc. (Urban and Regional Planning, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology)
Ir Hadi Nurcahyo, M.T (Doctoral Student, Civil and Urban Planning, Bandung Institute of Technology)
Alfa Nugraha Pradana (ICRAFT – World Agroforestry Centre)



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