In order to work with LanduseSim TE software, your computer machine should be registered at first. Please follows several steps below to get your computer registration.
1. Download and install Computer Check [download]
tutorial : Open the Application of Computer Check.exe and save the output file (see screenshot
If the error message occurs when you tried to save data,” IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘D:/mynamehere.txt‘ ” , please run the computer check application as administrator. Right-click on computer check application, choose ‘run as administrator’ and save it again.
2. Send the output file (.txt) to and wait for confirmation about the activation license.
3. Download LanduseSim TE version [Download]
4. Install and then run the LanduseSim software, by opening the file (ex: C:\Program Files\LanduseSim LE\LanduseSim for Windows.exe) right-click and Run as administrator

Download LanduseSim Toolbox for ArcGIS 10 [Download]
Download LanduseSim Toolbox for ArcGIS 9.3 [Download]
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Download Bahan Praktikum Mandiri