LanduseSim 2.3 is released
December 08, 2015
Several improved features from previous version;
– Increase the speed of computing
– Improved algorithm for best result of urban form
– fix bug on transition rules
– enhance the comparison module
LanduseSim 2.2 is out now
August 13, 2014
It has several improved features from previous version;
– Automatic selected file types while saving a output file
– Increase the speed of processing
– Improved Map Comparison Module for Validation
– Improved algorithm using Probability
– Increase the number of landuse/landcover that can be simulated, up to 40 units
– Able to copy the output from Read Grid Module
Patch Updates April 04 2014
April 18, 2014
Here we provide patch for LanduseSim 2.0 and 2.1. This patch is used to skip the editing process of ArcGIS ASCII file before input to LanduseSim Software. More detail information.
LanduseSim 2.1 provides a series of maps during simulation
April 9, 2014
LanduseSim enhanced by a series maps of transition during the simulation period, and many other features
– Improved speed computation up to 20%
– Improved with computation ability while dealing with huge grid of dataset raster. It allows calculation more than 20 Millions of grid on 4GB memory.
– Improved with high-efficiency programming for memory optimization
– Improved with Map Comparison module for accuracy assessment
– Improved with automatic generated file as progress of simulation per time-step iteration during simulation. For instance, predicting landuse start from Y2014 to Y2020 using 6 Time-Step, LanduseSim will generate files i.e. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. We’re happy with this.
Improve the Accuracy of Land use Model
October 20, 2013
LanduseSim 2.0 powered by high-customization on neighborhood filter including neighborhood effect of conversion probability for CA simulation procedure. We’ve tested these features by means of simple logic development and then comparing LanduseSim 1.0 with the new version 2.0. It proved the increment of simulation accuracy from 89.1 % (Nugroho, 2013) increase to 92.3 % (Pratomoatmojo & Nugroho working paper). Furthermore it is believed the accuracy can be improved gradually by means of LanduseSim 2.0.
Nugroho, A.A. (2013) Model Perubahan Landuse akibat kenaikan muka air laut dan pasang maksimum di pantai utara teluk lamong (PUTL) bagian surabaya. Master Tesis Teknik Manajemen Pantai ITS. Indonesia