LanduseSim 2.3.1 has been released !!
Planner needs a tool that able to perform spatial simulation for better reason in deciding the proposed spatial plan for the future. LanduseSim is not only talks about the visualization, furthermore it is promoting a robust scientific method under observing and planning practices area. This software engages planner and geographer to learn and react to the dynamic of complexities in an appropriate way of studying landscape.

2019 - LanduseSim Workshop Registration
LanduseSim video tutorial
LanduseSim Training Class
Latest development

Spatially Explicit Exploration
We are promoting the spatial approach, not only based on numeric but the location as well. While your research is numerical base, combining it into LanduseSim will generate a map. A map that involved bunch of numerical analysis e.g. system dynamic, linear programming, etc in order to enhance information in particularly Geographic Information System.
Multi-Tasking on Simulation
LanduseSim enhanced by multitasking ability. Just open the app more than one, and run simulation on each app. check your CPU performance, (Ctrl+Alt+Del open task manager), the best performance of simulation when your CPU usage is less than 100%. We have tested to run the simulation up to 19 hours in 3 apps, and LanduseSim showed the stability in computation
Simulate and Evaluate the Plan
As we know, planner involvements as facilitator such as generating more scenarios based participatory planning, choosing the best scenario of plans, and creating the final zoning map and regulation, are crucial role. In here LanduseSim will assist planner to simulate and evaluate the zoning plans based on scenarios.


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Recent News
May 1, 2019
(15 Juli 2020) Pelatihan GIS Lanjut – Geosimulation: Pemodelan dan Simulasi Spasial untuk Prediksi Perkembangan Wilayah dan Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan berbasis SIG dan Cellular Automata

April 21, 2016
GIS Workshop 2016: Sustainable Urban Expansion Modeling, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

April 27, 2015
Photo Gallery LanduseSim Workshop : April 20-22, 2015

September 13, 2014
LanduseSim Development Toolbox for ESRI ArcGIS User (under development)

September 2, 2014
Release : LanduseSim 2.2 and LanduseSim Resources Center

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